Monday, March 16, 2009

Project T-Shirt Design from National Dali High School

We thought the t-shirt design that National Dali High School came up with for their Virtual Lemonade Stands was really great! And we thought you might like to see, too!


Anonymous said...

i happened to stumble on your blog.. i must say thats a real neat design u got in place... do u design?? i know of this real cool website called where designers hav formed this really great community and they have these awesome contests all the time.. i love it! :) you should try out.. anyway.. keep posting.. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Tanya!
This design was created by my 12th grade student, Patty Pan. I will let her know of your comments and recommended website. Patty also has other very cool designs, which she'll be sharing with everyone.

Ms. Meimei Mary Shih
10-12th grade English teacher
National Dali High School

Anonymous said...

National Dali High School-Taiwan is working in collaboration with Business, Marketing and Diversity classes of Prof. Bernard Gibson at Folsom Lake College to raise funds for pediatric cancer research. We are holding lemonade stands of cultural interchange via videoconferencing and we invite you to connect with us, interact with us, learn ethnic diversity and solicit donations with us!! We are proud to announce the following schools as our collaborators on this project: Folsom Lake College (CA), Princeton Public School (MN), K.D. Markley Elementary School (PA), Woodrow Wilson High School (CA).
We only have ONE interactive/ collaborating seat left!!!