Monday, April 29, 2013

2013 Theme Announced and New Optional Contests

On Thursday April 18th, the two incredible VJ teams met with MAGPI for our first planning meeting of 2013! Our outstanding VJ teams this year are Thomasville Elementary (for the kick-off) and Southern Lehigh Middle School for the wrap-up! I am over the moon excited to announce that Lexi, an 8th grade student in Southern Lehigh Middle, proposed a theme for this year of "Paradise for Patients: Raising Money for Cancer Patients to Create a Paradise for the Future (Our Tomorrow)." The two VJ teams took a vote and unanimously voted on this as our theme for 2013!!

Please consider incorporating this theme into your lemonade stand and/or optional activities. And, speaking of optional activities, how cool is it that we had several new optional activities that were also proposed for this year including the following: 

Social Media Contest (optional)
Because social media is such a huge part of our lives now we're incorporating this NEW social media contest into this year's event. Now you can use social media and post photos of your school getting ready for their stand, holding their stand, or participating in the live videoconference events and then be sure to tag them with the hashtag #avls2013 and @alexslemonade. The top 5 photos with the most "likes' or shares on instagram, pinterest, twitter, and facebook will be our winning photos and will be highlighed in a special photo gallery! Spread the good word of your school's fundraising efforts far and wide using your social media channels! Remember to tag your photos with #avls2013 so we can find them.

Lemonade Stand Flair Contest (optional)
This optional contest was the suggestion of one of our great VJ team students from Southern Lehigh Middle School who suggested we have a contest for the best decorated Lemonade Stand! Use your imagination and of course make it stand out and attract people to your stand. Stands will be judged based on this Find out more and check out the judging rubric.

Make a Difference Commercial Deadline Extension
The deadline for the optional Make A Difference Commercial Contest has been extended to Friday May 3rd. Please send your commercials to Jennifer by Friday May 3rd for consideration. See the project website for full details.

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